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An Amazing Amount of Wrong

At PebblePost, we strive for a diverse culture that encourages people to express their individuality. We don’t want marionettes. Still, when it comes to the current state of marketing and advertising, we all speak with one voice. Marita Scarfi, our CFO and Head of West Coast Operations, recently summed up what we see industry-wide in five pointed words: “an amazing amount of wrong.” ... Read on.

#digital  #marketing  #Respect  #Procter & Gamble  #advertising

Others Join the Chorus in Condemning Digital's Worst Practices

Sometimes it feels like I’m preaching to the choir on the pitfalls of digital marketing. But I think it’s important to keep the sermons coming because the choir is growing larger and louder all the time. Here are a couple recent examples. ... Read on.

#digital marketing  #brand safety  #ad blocking  #transparency  #Google  #Procter & Gamble  #advertising


About Lewis

Lewis GershChairman and Founder at PebblePost, former VC in adtech, long-time endurance athlete, happy dad to “The Heathens.”

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